The BOY band on most of the Fall tour in Europe was Don The Tiger AKA Adrian, Lisa Gamble, John Eichenseer and me. Here’s our last gig together. We were shown a whole new level of hospitality at this concert on Tenerife in The Canary Islands. KEROXIN Festival. And that is us playing inside. And that is what it looks like from the outside:
On the spring tour, right before the BOY album came out (released March 2014, my 5th on Constellation) the band was Andrea Belfi who co-wrote and played on the album, Adrián De Alfonso Prieto-Puga AKA Don The Tiger, Jhno and me. In Prague the venue and organization making the gig were so great. The band was a very burning thing. It was my millionth anniversary for being clean. A gentleman at the bar gave me the most beautiful flowers. After the show the whole drunken, wiley room was kind enuf to sing me happy birthday and give me flaming humous and fake beer and everyone made a toast! The whole band toasted me with fake beer. In a way it felt like a birthday party for all the gigs I’ve played—-all rolled into one pretty, Czech moment and then blown out. On how many May, 4th “birthdays” have I performed in drinking establishments far from home? 12? 13? At least one out of every 2 years.

The fella next to me with glasses is one of my heros. He’s an adventurer, teacher, conceptualist, musician of electronics and, I’m not blowing smoke…. fuck it, let’s just say: my kind of violist. My hat is way off to Jorge Boehringer. In fact, when we were just myspace friends, I just assumed in person he’d be a bit noisey-snooty. He’s the opposite of all that nonsense.
But wait! Also: Freddie Ruppert of This Song’s A Mess And So Am I and Former Ghosts, etcetera… was there with his wife Veronika, who I wish was my next door neighbor and we were spicy lion tamers. Freddy is inspiring to say the least and somehow makes me feel that if he digs my stuff than I’m ruling. He created this composition including the words and asked me to sing…. I recorded the vocals in a jungle hostel in Oero Puerto, Brazil after doing the COMA festival. I only had Garage Band to sing into (which I love). Somehow Freddy made the whole thing sound like this and it’s another of my favs that I’d like to put on the comp of never released and hard to find stuff:
The stage was same height as the floor. A very smart young woman interviewed me. Politics, feminism (!). People were right up next to us and did not have their arms folded in front of them. Moving. Prague at Potrva was a great one.