Issue Project, Brooklyn, New York

1: Audience seated. Lights fading slowly. Cello slowly rising. Entrance of small acoustic percussion and humming. Reverbed piano strings. Monks. Carla guitar. Tara huge BASS. Becoming intermittent blasts of percussion, guitar and eggs. Banging reverb guitar strings. Super heavy. Cello comes (far away sound).

2: Cello/soundscape already in progress . Stephan is doing max-patch improv.

3: Dominic introduces bass loop

4: Pass out mics and eggs to audience with eggs

5: Do the egg thing ending with someone collecting them. Stephan can mute mics and work with the signal he has to continue the swirling egg theme.

6: Dominic and Stephan start to crossfade back in frozen dress bass line (bass line can sway between speaker pannings)

7: lights go off, Lamp goes on. Carla does Frozen Dress.

8: dominic, field recordings. Sha, gam, tar work the rooom sit and move creaking chairs slightly, talk quietly, use the mics talking to yourself/stephan manipulates this in max (Quiet) sparse—everyone go to your instruments, leaving stephan to play with the 6 signals he’s collected.

9: Tara starts to play a bass line melodic improv tune. shahzad on guitar a very lazy melody……. weird..

10: Shahzad goes to piano, we play little Emma. car sings (piano is running through max with little effects to be discussed.

11: Shahzad leads us (guitar) on a transitional improv. Lamps going off.

12: we transition into the frozen dress. Leave a lot of space. Leave some time when no one is playing except for voice and bass thing. A lot of darkness. The voice and bass sounds can be panned by stephan. The field recordings can be played with in max….

13: everything deteriorates into a drone with shahzad being the person to re-introduce the “Emma” theme. The whole thing ends really small. Audienced is brought together. The words and melody are impossible to resist—-like at a campfire but with 15 speakers overhead. Most people will be singing by now. Shahzad on piano fades out. The room will be discreetly conducted to sing or hum smaller and smaller and smaller and then stop.


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